CBD for Sleep and Insomnia

CBD may help with tossing and turning

Struggling with sleeplessness? CBD may be the answer for you.

Have you ever experienced a sleepless night? Maybe you’re familiar with looking at the clock every 15 minutes and doing mental math, thinking: If I fall asleep now, I’ll still get a few hours of sleep before I need to wake up. Or tossing and turning, never able to calm your restless body. Maybe when you lie down, your body is ready to sleep, but your mind won’t turn off.

Especially at bedtime, some people struggle to quiet anxious thoughts, revisiting the day’s events, reliving things from the past, or imagining future difficulties. We all know how important sleep is to our overall health, focus, and functioning, so it can be incredibly frustrating when it feels like it's out of your control.

Whether this is your first time dealing with sleepless nights, or it’s an issue you’ve been coping with for some time, our natural CBD tinctures may provide relief for you. CBD is a well-tolerated natural supplement that induces a sense of relaxation (not a high!) that can help ease your body and mind into a peaceful slumber.

Sleep, Insomnia, and Health

If you’re experiencing the symptoms mentioned above on many nights, you might be experiencing insomnia. Insomnia is chronic sleeplessness–difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep–that distresses you and disrupts your daytime functioning. 

Difficulty sleeping can also be a symptom of other health issues and is commonly associated with pain conditions, mental health concerns, and stress. Particularly for those with anxiety and depression, you may find yourself waking up in the early morning hours and unable to fall back to sleep. 

There are many common ways to treat sleeplessness and insomnia, and of course, you’ll want to discuss your sleep problems with your healthcare provider to find the correct solution for you. They might suggest changes in your daily routine, optimizing your sleeping environment, eliminating caffeine or other stimulants, or working on your sleep hygiene—or the behaviors and habits you engage in around bedtime. Cognitive-behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) can be effective for those with Insomnia Disorder.

In addition to behavioral changes, many people turn to medications to help with sleepless nights. Some people struggling with insomnia even turn to self-medication with alcohol or other means, which can be more harmful than helpful! Sleep medication, when prescribed by a doctor, can be helpful but may also have side effects, like daytime grogginess or a “hangover” feeling. Some sleep medications are habit-forming, which you may want to avoid. If you are already taking medications for other health issues, you may be concerned about adding another med to the mix. 

CBD, on the other hand, is well-tolerated for most people, meaning most people do not experience negative side effects when taking the supplement. CBD works with your natural brain chemistry and function to induce relaxation—that’s why you may have heard about people taking CBD for stress or CBD to help anxiety! While you are working on making changes to benefit your sleep, CBD may give you the boost you need to start falling asleep faster while you wait for the behavioral changes to take effect. 

Man waking up after a good nights sleep

We’ll have you waking up refreshed in no time!

Taking CBD at Bedtime

Our CBD tinctures are safe to take before going to bed—they are all natural and certified organic. Our broad spectrum CBD tinctures contain no THC (the psychoactive compound in the marijuana plant), and our full spectrum CBD tinctures contain trace amounts (0.3% or less). Neither will produce a “high” effect. Unlike some sleep medications, they won’t alter your perception or experience of the world. So, there will be no unexpected nighttime shenanigans!

Most people report a sense of calm and relaxation when taking CBD, like a very mild sedative. Physically, you may feel your body relax more easily, allowing you to wind down after a stressful day. This sense of calm lets you breathe deeply and easily—necessary for good sleep! Calming restlessness and allowing tense muscles to relax can put your body in a better state for sleep onset.

Similarly, this sense of calm allows you to quiet your mind more easily. If racing thoughts or worrying keeps you awake, a CBD supplement may help you power your brain down for the night. The effects of CBD typically last 2-8 hours, encompassing a typical night’s sleep. So if you wake in middle of the night and your busy mind keeps you up, CBD can help your fall back to sleep.

Following our helpful guide to find your correct CBD dose ensures you’ll find the right amount for you, taking just enough to produce the desired effect (and making the most of your CBD tincture purchase!).

If our products sound like they might be helpful for your sleep concerns, click to learn more about
Healing Ring CBD Tinctures and visit our CBD Shop.


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